Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bringing science to bear--on peace, not war: elaborating on psychology's potential to promote peace.

Bringing science to bear--on peace, not war: elaborating on psychology's potential to promote peace.
Am Psychol. 2013 Oct;68(7):514-26
Authors: Leidner B, Tropp LR, Lickel B

We argue that psychological and contextual factors play important roles in bringing about, facilitating, and escalating violent conflict. Yet rather than conclude that violent conflict is inevitable, we believe psychology's contributions can extend beyond understanding the origins and nature of violent conflict, to promote nonviolence and peace. In this article, we summarize psychological perspectives on the conditions and motivations underlying violent conflict. Drawing on this work, we then discuss psychological and contextual factors that can mitigate violence and war and promote nonviolence and peace.

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